Mahamevnawa Youth Group - Melbourne

Mahamevnawa Youth Group is an organization established for the sake of spiritual development of human beings through the teachings of the Supreme Buddha

Everything we do, we believe in doing it to make a difference for the better.

In a world where anger, jealousy, anxiety, fear and depression among other harmful states of mind rule the lives of many people for the worse, we believe in making it easier for ourselves as well as our friends, family and others around us by living peaceful, composed and productive lives.

With the conviction that we must take responsibility for our own actions, speech and thoughts—we learn the tranquilising, unaltered teachings of the Supreme Buddha and practice it in our day-to-day lives. Through this, we strive to discard harmful qualities while cultivating goodness and spiritual development at the same time.

The act of ‘giving’ is given a special place in what we practice and as such, to incorporate it into our lives, we engage in community service (by voluntary participation) throughout the year.

Community organization